Disadvantaged Students

Disadvantaged Students

This link will take you to the fulfilment of one of my life’s dreams. A lot of time, tears, frustration and hope has gone into this story, and to see it finally published is a dream come true. I dedicate it to all the autistic or special needs students out there who are struggling, and their parents, teachers and families, and I hope it goes a step towards making things fairer and easier for you.

PCI Partners March Newsletter

The link has recently been uploaded, so here it is… more insightful insolvency news

30 Day Challenges

30 Day Challenges

I can’t help but be attracted to this concept. Changing an area of your life in 30 days – such a small but significant action. I’m keen to try it, but I don’t know what I would change.
Any suggestions? Has anyone tried a 30 day challenge?